About Us

Microsec R&D Inc.

Vancouver Island B.C. Canada

Other Websites by Ian Soutar and Microsec

Microsec R&D Inc.Electronic Product Development.
Rattail Antenna Booster Improves Range of Emergency Radios
Nickel Iron Battery Association: Nickel Iron Battery and History.
Radiation Hormesis Scientific SiteHealth benefits of low level nuclear radiation.
Radiant-Beads.com:   Radiation Hormesis Tools for sale.
Harmonizer.ca: AC Brain Stimulation for Learning, relaxation and Meditation
Bodyworksvictoria.ca/ian: Harmonic Resonance Bodywork
Bodyworksvictoria.ca/health: Therapies(Experimental) for Arthritis, Cancer


Ian Soutar, inventor of the Mind Body Harmonizer, worked for the National Research Council in Ottawa instrumenting solar energy collection systems from 1984-1985. He founded Microsec R&D in 1986 to provide product design services for inventors and industry. He is partners with another inventor Ed Haslam and both do microcontroller based product designs. They have been granted 6 patents for unique designs.

Currently Microsec R&D Inc. is doing manufacturing of their own products for relieving stress and helping with relaxation, and to promote healing through pulsed magnetic fields or PEMF.