Open Source Waves

Open Source Waveforms for Harmonizer

We are posting our waveforms as open source since they are based on the design work of Bob Beck in 1987 or so.   We modified his work slightly so that we could publish an Open Source Licenced version for researchers to play with.  Open source protection from patents will be based on the Open Source General Public Licence or GPL3.   We prefer open source approaches and all future waveforms will also be open source.   For GPL3 licence details please visit

Provisional Patent in March 2014

A Provisional Patent for the waveforms was filed by me in March 2014 for protection in case of disputes about the GPL3. The GPL3 will replace the provisional and no patent followup on my part will happen.

Provisional Patent in May 2014

An additional provisional patent was filed concerning 40 hz stimulation for experimentation with the triggering of Lucid Dreaming.  The GPL3 will replace this provisional as well and no patent followup on my part will happen.

Open Source Waveform Descriptions

The waves used are based on a 909 hz 5 volt AC carrier which is passed through a transformer to bring the voltage up from 5 volts to 25 volts or so.   The 909 hz carrier is inserted into the primary of the transformer as a AC wave using two microprocessor port bits to drive the transformer using an H bridge motor driver at 5 volts.   The wave emerges from the transformer looking more like a sine wave with distortion.  A capacitor in the range of 0.05 uF produces an LC filter with the transformer.  This removes unwanted high frequency sine wave distortion and lowers the voltage slightly.

1000 hz waveform base @ -25 volts to +25 volts
1000 hz waveform base @ -25 volts to +25 volts

The above 909 hertz sine-like waveform is used to stimulate the earlobes using two complete wavelengths as shown above.  This pattern repeats at say 40 hz for 40 hz stimulation.    The above wave repeats at 14.3 hz for stimulation at this low frequency of 14.3 hz.

This basic design from the late 1980s is known to be effective and comfortable.  The signal does not have to be filtered and includes perhaps unwanted harmonics.   This is yet to be determined … should it be filtered or not?  Our standard model includes filtering but researchers can request that this be removed for testing.   Some research suggests that a complex waveform is useful to keep the brain from adapting and ignoring the stimulation over time.  It is for this reason we decided to use a 909 hz carrier.  The brain cannot detect frequencies this fast and thus may not become habituated to the signal.  The harmonic noise from the transformer may actually help to prevent the brain from adapting and ignoring the external signal.  Further research will resolve this issue.

909 hz Stimulation Wave for 40 hz CES

Multiple 1000 hz carrier pulses occur at 100 hz.
Multiple 1000 hz carrier pulses occur at 100 hz.

Our standard 40 hz CES type waveform is achieved by turning the 909 hz (2 waves only) signal on briefly for only 2 full +/- AC waves.  The microprocessor sends the 909 hz. waveform 40 times per second

0.5 Hz Stimulation Wave

The standard 0.5 hz waveform is achieved by working with the 909 hz (2 waves only) waveform that is being turned on and off at 100 hz.  Picture the above waveform appearing and disappearing and then appearing. This is like a 100 hz CES wave.  This CES-like wave is turned on for 1 second and off for one second. This is perceived as a vibration of the earlobes for one second followed by no sensation for one second.

14.3 Hz Stimulation Wave

The 14.3 hz waveform is achieved by working with the 909 hz (2 waves only) waveform that is being turned on and off at 14.3 hz.

Optimizations: We used an 909 Hz carrier because the transformer  resonated more easily at that frequency.   We also wanted to reach 2.5 mA stimulation max going into a 10K head resistance load.  It should be noted that head resistance as measured between the ears ranges from 10 kilohms to 30 kilohms.

These waveforms are released under the GPL3 open source licence.   Therefore these waves cannot be patented.  Researchers can be sure that their work will not get patented.   The provisional patent will be abandoned by me if there are no patent disputes during 2014.   I want to be sure these waveforms are in the public domain.

CES Waveform Provisional Patent to establish date for GPL3.
CES 1000 hz Trigger Waveform Provisional Patent to establish date for GPL3.
Harmonic CES 40 Hertz Provisional Patent.
Harmonic CES 40 Hertz Provisional Patent.

People are welcome to use the above waveforms in their designs without permission as long as they include the above description in their manual plus the GPL3 licence.    Enjoy the concept in your designs!

Ian Soutar,

Microsec R&D Inc.,
Vancouver Island.



Ian Soutar, inventor of the Mind Body Harmonizer, worked for the National Research Council in Ottawa instrumenting solar energy collection systems from 1984-1985. He founded Microsec R&D in 1986 to provide product design services for inventors and industry. He is partners with another inventor Ed Haslam and both do microcontroller based product designs. They have been granted 6 patents for unique designs.

Currently Microsec R&D Inc. is doing manufacturing of their own products for relieving stress and helping with relaxation, and to promote healing through pulsed magnetic fields or PEMF.