Xample Code

Example Open Source Waveform Code

The following microcontroller C code is used for the generation of the 100 hz wave using a 909 hz carrier. We used a 909 hz carrier for optimized transformer performance and longer battery life. Modifying the code is easy.  We did not bother with interrupts from a timer since precision is not needed and hard coding is more flexible for “tweaking” the transformer.

void CES_100_2ear()


ces_counter2 = 23604; // 28916; goes for 4 minutes

CES2_PWR = 1;

CES1_PWR = 1; // initial state



CES1_PWR = 0;

delay_us(500); // Wait for 0.5 ms sec

CES1_PWR = 1;

delay_us(500); // Wait for 0.5 ms sec

CES2_PWR = 0;

delay_us(500); // Wait for 0.5 s sec

CES2_PWR = 1;

delay_us(500); // Wait for 0.5 s sec

CES1_PWR = 0;

delay_us(500); // Wait for 0.5 ms sec

CES1_PWR = 1;

delay_us(500); // Wait for 0.5 ms sec

CES2_PWR = 0;

delay_us(500); // Wait for 0.5 s sec

CES2_PWR = 1;

delay_us(500); // Wait for 0.5 s sec

delay_us(6062); // tweak to 100 hz

ces_counter2 = ces_counter2 – 1;


while (ces_counter2 != 0);






Ian Soutar, inventor of the Mind Body Harmonizer, worked for the National Research Council in Ottawa instrumenting solar energy collection systems from 1984-1985. He founded Microsec R&D in 1986 to provide product design services for inventors and industry. He is partners with another inventor Ed Haslam and both do microcontroller based product designs. They have been granted 6 patents for unique designs.

Currently Microsec R&D Inc. is doing manufacturing of their own products for relieving stress and helping with relaxation, and to promote healing through pulsed magnetic fields or PEMF.